
Video: 3 Ways That CHROs Can Benefit From Workday

In this video, Partner John Hoebler and our Chief Human Resources Officer Juliana Mastroianni discuss how deploying one integrated system with Workday is helping to solve some of her specific challenges.

In this video, Partner John Hoebler and our Chief Human Resources Officer Juliana Mastroianni discuss how deploying one integrated system with Workday is helping to solve some of her specific challenges.

Overall, many organizations struggle with reporting and data tracking in their legacy systems, and CrossCountry’s story is no different than many other mid-sized growth companies. Over the past 10 years, we implemented a myriad of systems to meet the specific needs of our organization at that point in time. These solutions worked for a while, but as we have grown, they began to hold us back. We needed to evolve from our current processes and migrate them into one system.

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JOHN HOEBLER: Hi, everyone. My name is John Hoebler, and I’m a Partner at CrossCountry Consulting. CrossCountry provides business services to commercial companies all around the world. Joining us today is Juliana Mastroianni; she’s our Chief Human Resources Officer.

Welcome Juliana, and what do you do with CrossCountry?

JULIANA MASTROIANNI: Hi, John. Thank you. As you mentioned, I’m the HR officer here at CrossCountry. I oversee our HR functions that include talent acquisition, staffing, as well as HR onboarding and compliance.

JOHN HOEBLER: CrossCountry recently made the decision to go to Workday. Workday is going to be our primary system for HR, accounting and professional services automation.

Juliana, what are you excited about our Workday deployment?

JULIANA MASTROIANNI: Yes, I’m really excited about it, John, and there are three things that stood out when we selected Workday. The first one is the candidate to onboarding experience and how seamless that will be in the new system. The second one is the access to our compensation data and having that at the tip of our fingers within Workday. And then lastly, as you know, we do a lot of reporting and analytics, and having those dashboards and reports real time, that will be a game changer for us.

JOHN HOEBLER: Well, those sound like big transformative things. Can you talk a little bit more about the new hire experience and the onboarding experience and what that’s going to be like?

JULIANA MASTROIANNI: Sure. Really, the experience will be different because the candidate will be able to do everything in the system. They will start within Workday and the job postings when they apply. And then from there, it’ll bring them through to the hiring and the onboarding process so that when a candidate comes on board, they can actually access their offer letter, any supporting documentation they need, as well as input all of their information in one system. And that’s not how it’s done today. So, I think it will really be different both from the candidate’s perspective, as well as our internal teams perspective.

JOHN HOEBLER: Yes, as a hiring manager I’d be excited to be able to have a dashboard that lets me see all the candidates in the pipeline at certain times, and then for them to smoothly move into the onboarding process as we hire them. So I’m super excited about that as well.

You mentioned compensation. When I was talking to our Chief Operating Officer, she also talked about the improvements to the annual compensation process. Can you talk about how compensation will change in your world?

JULIANA MASTROIANNI: Yes, absolutely. We need to access compensation data during a few different points within an employee’s tenure with CrossCountry. First, and as you know, when we put together offers, we need to be able to quickly see what are the bands that we have at different levels, skill sets, and markets. And having all of that information in one system will be critical to making those quick decisions on competitive offers.

We also need that information readily available when an employee changes markets or service lines. And having it all in one system to access will really save us time from having to extract the data, pivot it, and then come to the conclusions we need to make those decisions.

JOHN HOEBLER: And as a service line manager, would I have access to this data as well? Or do I have to always go through HR?

JULIANA MASTROIANNI: Yes, that’s the other really neat thing about Workday. My understanding is that you will be able to access it yourself, as well as all of our hiring managers and practice leaders. So that will save a lot of time in making these decisions when you can query it and quickly have access to the dashboards and the information within the system, and no longer come to us to pull that information together.

JOHN HOEBLER: Yeah, that’s great, because I’d love to come in the meeting with all of the relevant data points already kind of reviewed. And then we’re really talking about, what is the compensation strategy for this candidate and how do we bring them on board? So that’s super exciting and definitely transformative to what we do today.

So, you mentioned reporting. I love the reporting that you and your team do for me today. On the quarters or a month ends, you guys create great analytics that I can review in PowerPoint and they’re really helpful. So how is it going to get better?

JULIANA MASTROIANNI: Yes, the reports are amazing but what you might not know is the level of effort it takes to pull them together. We get data from different systems, then we really pulled them into Excel, pivot them, and come up with those analysis that we need to better make our decisions.

JOHN HOEBLER: All right. So what would it will be like in the future? What’s Workday going to do for us?

JULIANA MASTROIANNI: Well, having all of that information in one system, including our demographic information, attrition, transfers, DNI-related information and being able to access the analysis already in the system is going to be a big change for us. We’ll be able to leverage all of that analysis in front of us to make the decisions we need around our policies, our processes, and really react to it so that we can have more of those value-add conversations versus spend time on the analysis itself.

JOHN HOEBLER: All right. So I run the Technology service line here at CrossCountry, as you know. Would I be able to get a view of that so I, as a manager, can look in, as well and see what’s happening, and potentially look for trends that are happening in our division?

JULIANA MASTROIANNI: Yes. Similar to the compensation data, all of those dashboards and reporting will be accessible to all of our service line and market leaders, and we will be able to have that in a click of a button. And then we can talk about it and see where we need to make updates or changes. I’m really looking forward to how that’s going to change the decisions we make for all of us, as well as how good that’s going to change the day-to-day for my team and what they spend their time on.

JOHN HOEBLER: Anything else from reporting? I know you mentioned that there’s other aspects of reporting that they don’t see, like compliance reporting or diversity and inclusion. Can you talk a little bit about that and how Workday is going to help us there?

JULIANA MASTROIANNI: Yes. Those are some big initiatives for us, as you know, John, and having that information, our DNI data, as well as tracking – we have Visa employees – the certifications that we put all of our consultants through, being able to access all of that information quickly and effectively will be critical as we push forward in our initiatives to really stay compliant, and as well as meet certain requirements and targets that we have set for ourselves.

JOHN HOEBLER: Well, that’s great. I know that’s a really important topic, especially today. I’m really looking forward to this implementation, Juliana. Thank you for spending some time with us today.

JULIANA MASTROIANNI: Absolutely, John. I can’t wait to see what efficiencies it brings to us.